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Each Swim Class
Is Individually designed and Implemented Based On Your Childs Needs

Introduction Program
Dunk and Glide
This Program is for the beginner swimmer. We offer a gentle yet effective approach so that the swimmer feels comfortable, learns the necessary safety skills and most of all....enjoys their time in the pool! The goals that we focus on for beginning swimmers are:
*The swimmer is able to put his or her face in
the water unassisted.
*The swimmer can glide 5 to 10 feet unassisted.
*The swimmer can kick 5 to 10 feet unassisted.
*The swimmer can backfloat 5 to 10 seconds with

Intermediate Program
Kick and Float

The Intermedate Swimmer Program is for the swimmer who is more comfortable in the water. The swimmer may have had lessons before or may just spend alot of time in the pool. Still offering a gentle yet effective approach, the goals for the swimmer at this level are:
*The swimmer can back float for one minute
without assistance.
*The swimmer can roll from tummy to back
with some instuctor assistance.
*The swimmer can kick and roll from tummy to
back and back to tummy with instuctor
*The swimmer can fall off of the wall and get
back to the wall with instructor assistance.

Intermediate 1
Floating and Big Arms
At the intermediate 1 level the swimmer is very comfortable in the water. The swimmer is knowledgeable about pool safety and is learning to better their skills in the water. The goals for the swimmer at this level are:
*The swimmer can roll from tummy to back
without instructor assistance.
*The swimmer can kick and roll from tummy to
back without instructor assistance.
*The swimmer can fall off of the wall and get
back to the wall wihout instructor assistance.
*The swimmer is able to use freestlye arms
along with rolling from tummy to back to take a breath with instructor assistance.

Perfecting Your Stroke and Conditioning
The advanced lesson level offers different drills and techniques to help the swimmer perfect his or her stroke. The advanced swimmer is able to swim the length of the pool and is considered to be safe in the water.